Published:January 27, 2023 The concession company is initiating creation of a working group involving the Ministry concerned and SPILNO Office Given the Orders “On Closure of the Seaports” and “On Approval of…
Published:November 11, 2022 Today is a historic day, we are regaining Kherson – address by the President of Ukraine Ukrainians! Strong people of our indomitable, beautiful and united country! Today is a…
Published:February 21, 2022 New equipment for the port laboratory! The modern infrared analyzer SupNIR 2700 is suitable for grain, oil crops, and…
Published:February 10, 2022 News from the berths! Currently, the team of Kherson Port is loading 3300 tons of granulated urea (carbamide) from the vessel “EYUP”. Mineral fertilizers are being received in bulk with further packaging into big bags.
Published:December 24, 2021 The concession company commences administration of the Port of Kherson and deems a fast and full-fledged renewal of the port’s activities to be its first and paramount task Now this unique port in the mouth of the Dnieper River will work…