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The concession company is initiating creation of a working group involving the Ministry concerned and SPILNO Office

Published:January 27, 2023

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Given the Orders “On Closure of the Seaports” https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z0470-22#Text and “On Approval of the List of War Zones or Territories Temporarily Occupied by the Russian Federation” https://minre.gov.ua/doc/doc/104, Port of Kherson LLC will start working when its area is safe again and the navigation renews.

In order to have had a detailed and approved scheme for revitalizing by that time, the Company is initiating creation of a working group to cover these issues together with the Ministry of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine and SPILNO Project Management Office for Development of Public-Private Partnership.

By now, the situation remains hard. The city undergoes daily shelling. Therefore, the ship traffic is impossible, as well as a full-scale stock-taking and any business activity in the docks area. Besides, it is commonly known that during the period of occupation of the city, in the area where the production capacities of Port of Kherson LLC are located there were deployed military formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The preliminary amount of losses and massive destruction is large enough and continues to increase; it would not change, however, the Company’s plans to invest into the Port in future as an object of the concession or into the local infrastructure in compliance with the Concession Contract signed.

Despite all that, we strongly believe in this project and the successful future of the heroic Kherson. These feelings have remained firm since 2019 when we just started submitting documents within the framework of a concession procedure. In the end of 2021, after the port property was placed under our management, the updating and retrofitting process began in line with a detailed strategy. Now, with the plan adapted in detail on hand, we’d like to resume our teamwork at the berths when it is possible and completely safe, say the top executives of Port of Kherson LLC.

It should be recalled that Kherson Commercial Seaport went under control of a concession company on 24 December 2021. During two months before the full-blown war commenced the concession company managed to start purchasing of a new equipment and introducing modern standards together with the leading professionals in the industry who had been invited to become part of the team.